

Child Development Early Intervention Specializations, College Credit Certificate (C.C.C.)

The Child Development Early Intervention certificate is designed for students to obtain their DCF Tier 3 Credential. The focus of this program is on how to work with children who need more intensive early intervention than other children. 在学习上, students will learn about appropriate observation and assessment tools, 与家长合作, and have multiple opportunities to observe and participate in classroom settings. With inclusive classrooms becoming more common, students need an understanding of how to work with diverse abilities to meet the needs of all children. They will also be eligible for the DCF Staff Credential as part of the program.

Review the guided degree pathway where you will find a detailed plan for your courses and other requirements each semester that prepare you for graduation and your transfer goals.


在线赌博 在线


学生 must demonstrate competence in 阅读, 数学, or language through placement examination or by passing the appropriate 阅读, 数学或语言课程, if not exempt by state board of education rule 6A-10.0315. A student who does not achieve minimum scores will be required to take developmental educations classes in English, 数学, 阅读, and SLS 1501 the College Experience.




  • 学费:$ 3719.52美元(另加360美元.网上收费00元)
  • 实验室费用:80美元.00
  • 教材:934美元.25






Job placement (included continued education)



Salaries begin at $26,640 per year or $11.每小时71美元.


Graduates of this program have a variety of career position opportunities, including becoming a Child Care Teacher and Teacher Assistant.


  • 南岭走读学校



To be officially considered for this program, a student must have a high school diploma or GED certificate, 向FGC递交申请, and take a placement exam if not exempt by the state board of education rule 6A-10.0315. Insufficient scores will require students to take appropriate developmental education courses and SLS 1501 The College Experience for 3学分.  

  • This program may be started during any semester.
  • 该项目为学生提供:
    • Experiential learning opportunities
    • 高素质的教授
节目指南 & 教学大纲

Child Care Professional Core Courses:

  • 1001年欧共体 – Introduction to Early Childhood 教育 3学分  
  • chd1220 -儿童成长 & 发展:婴儿 & 学前教育 3学分  
  • 2300年欧共体 – Cognitive Experiences for Young Children 3学分 
  • 内附1101 – Freshman Composition I 3学分  
  • 程控2608 -公共演讲 3学分  
  • 冠心病1339 – Motor Development and Play 3学分  
  • 1309年欧共体 – Early Childhood 教育 Foundations 3学分  
  • 1601年欧共体 -儿童研究 3学分  
  • 2401年欧共体 -家庭和社区 3学分  
  • EEX 2013 – Special Needs in Early Childhood 教育 3学分  
  • 2410年匈牙利语 – Basic Childhood Nutrition 3学分  
  • 1941年欧共体 – Internship-Early Intervention 1学分(Must be passed with a C or better)
  • 2949年欧共体 – Internship-Child Development 2学分(Must be passed with a C or better)

学生 will earn 36 college credits towards the Associate of Science (A.S.) in Early Childhood 教育.

These 36 hours cannot be a combination of 36 Personal Enrichment hours; they must be declared as a major in the degree or certificate-seeking process. 

  • 学生 will present information about the importance of play to early childhood development.
  • 学生 will analyze assessment data to create a plan to communicate with parents and a plan of action to help support child’s needs.
  • 学生 will create a newsletter reflecting their personal beliefs on various aspects of the early childhood classroom.
  • 学生 will write a reflection about the internship experience.
图书列表 & 材料
  • 内附1101 3学分
    • 朗斯福德,.布罗迪,M.埃德,L.莫斯,B.帕珀,C. C., & 沃尔特斯,K. (2020). Everyone’s an author with 阅读s (3rd ed.). 纽约:W. W. 诺顿 & 公司.
  • 程控2608 3学分
    • 弗洛伊德,K. (2019). 公开演讲事宜 (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Higher 教育.
  • 冠心病1220 3学分
    • 不需要教科书
  • 冠心病1339 3学分
    • 卡尔森,F.M. (2011). 大身体游戏:为什么热闹, 充满活力的, and very physical play is essential to children’s development and learning. 华盛顿特区.C.: NAEYC.
    • 交叉,. (2010). Come and Play: Sensory-integration strategies for children with play challenges. St. 保罗,明尼苏达州:雷德利夫出版社.
  • 1001年欧共体 3学分
    • 坩埚,C.布莱德坎普,S., & Gonzalez-Mena J. (2011). Basics of developmentally appropriate practice: An introduction for teachers of infants & 蹒跚学步的. 华盛顿特区.C.: NAEYC.
    • 坩埚,C. & 柏德坎普,年代. (2006). Basics of developmentally appropriate practice: An introduction for teachers of children 3 to 6. 华盛顿特区.C.: NAEYC.
    • 坩埚,C. & 柏德坎普,年代. (Eds.). (2009). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs: Serving children from birth through age 8 (3rd ed.). 华盛顿特区.C.: NAEYC. 
  • 1309年欧共体 3学分
    • Beloglovsky, M. & 戴利,我. (2015). Early learning theories made visible. St. 保罗,明尼苏达州:雷德利夫出版社. 爱普斯坦,. S. (2014). The intentional teacher: Choosing the best strategies for young children’s learning (2nd ed.). 华盛顿特区.C.: NAEYC. 
  • 1601年欧共体 3学分
    • 阿,McAffee.Leong, D. J., & Bodrova E. (2016). Assessing and guiding young children’s development and learning (6th ed.). 新泽西州:皮尔逊.
  • 1941年欧共体 3学分
    • 没有一本书
  • 2300年欧共体 3学分
    • Gronlund G. (2014). Making early learning standards come alive 2nd ed.). St. 保罗,明尼苏达州:红叶出版社.  
  • 2401年欧共体 3学分
    • 瑞秋,维. & 克里斯曼,K. (2014). Families, schools, and communities: Together for young children (5th ed.). 贝尔蒙特,加州:沃兹沃思.
  • 2949年欧共体 3学分
    • 没有一本书
  • EEX 2013 3学分
    • 霍华德,V.F.威廉姆斯,B.F.米勒,D。. 艾登,E. (2014). Very young children with special needs (5th ed.). 新泽西州:皮尔逊.
  • 2410年匈牙利语 3学分
    • Aronson,年代. S. (2012). Healthy young children: A manual for programs (5th ed.). 华盛顿特区.C.: NAEYC.