

先进焊接技术, Occupational Certificate (O.C.)

完成焊接技术课程后, you can choose to continue your training with our 750-hour Advanced Welding Technologies course. The advanced course covers all the same welding processes covered in the welding technologies course on schedule 40 and 80 pipes. 

FGC is a Lincoln Electric Education Partner School (LEEPS) and an NC3 Leadership School. All of our students train on the latest welding equipment available in the Lab, 包括真正的焊接培训师. 在教室里, we have virtual reality welders as well as a Robotic Educational Cell that students utilize to learn robotic programming and operations. 学生 will complete a resume to utilize for job placement prior to graduation.

Review the guided degree pathway where you will find a detailed plan for your courses and other requirements each semester that prepare you for graduation and your transfer goals.




在线赌博 (Main Campus, building 19 in room 14)


学生必须表现出阅读能力, 数学, or language through placement examination or by passing the appropriate reading, 数学, 或者语言课程, if not exempt by the state board of education rule 6A-10.0315


This program is offered either full-time or part-time. Full-time courses are held Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. 到下午4:30.m. Part-time courses are held Monday through Thursday from 5:00 p.m. 到晚上9点.m. This program takes 15 months to complete as a full-time student and 30 months to complete as a part-time student.


  • 学费:$ 1239.84
  • 实验室费用:2312美元.45
  • 总:3225美元.29








FGC 2019秋季FGC 2019秋季FGC 2019秋季



Starting salaries range from $28,560 to $51,430, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This range is based on a 40-hour workweek and does not include per diem or overtime.



在完成, students can have a number of career opportunities in many different welding-related industries, 比如生产, 制造, 维护和修理, 建筑及桥梁施工, 石油和天然气管道, 航空航天, 船厂, 以及金属雕刻行业.

Expected job growth from 2019 to 2028 is 3% to 11%, depending on the specific industry.


  • 新千年建筑系统
  • WW同性恋
  • 萨旺尼河钢铁厂
  • 灰熊制造
  • 佛罗里达林务局
  • 耶茨建设
  • Jacksonville plumbers and pipefitter local # 234
  • Suwanee美国水泥公司
  • 美国舒适系统公司
  • 东北建筑
  • 完成
  • 安德森哥伦比亚
  • 琼斯的迹象
  • 负载王制造
  • BAE系统公司



学生 must pass the TABE with a minimum score of 576 for reading, 数学596分, 语言584分. 学生 may be exempt from the TABE test based on the completion of college-level courses in Math and English with a grade of C or better. 学生 who are exempt from developmental education based on Senate Bill 1720, identified by a test code of SBEX on their test score record, 是否也不受表格要求的限制.

  • AWS qualification testing is available for both the Welding Technologies and the Advanced Welding Technologies course.
    • There are two available for the Welding Technologies course: 1. SMAW (stick) limited thickness on 3/8 plate in the 3G (vertical) and 4G (overhead) positions. 2. FCAW-G (gas-shielded) unlimited thickness test on a one-inch plate in the 3G (vertical) and 4G (overhead) positions.
    • There are two available for the Advanced Welding Technologies course: 1. SMAW (stick) on schedule 40 or 80 pipes in the 6G inclined multiple positions. 2. GTAW (tig) and SMAW (stick) on schedule 40 or 80 pipes in the 6G inclined multiple positions.
    • 每次AWS测试的费用是400美元.00. FGC refunds the cost of each test that is passed.
  • Demonstrate proper selection and use personal protective equipment for this specific task.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of material handling techniques to safely move materials.
  • Perform external inspections of equipment and accessories. 根据需要进行小修小补.
  • Demonstrate a neutral, carburizing, and oxidizing flame. 按适当的顺序完成工作.
  • 使用含氧燃料设备进行切割, 孔, 槽, and bevels on 1/4 “to 1” plate +/- 1/16 in size and
    形状. 没有超过母材1/16深度的缺口.
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform work in the proper sequence.
  • 正确切割金属至所需尺寸. Align and tack metal to required specifications.
  • Perform external inspections of SMAW equipment and accessories. 根据需要进行小修小补.
  • Demonstrate proper SMAW welding techniques and procedures in the vertical (3G) and overhead
  • Demonstrate visual inspection to determine flaws. 通过弯曲对可接受的焊缝进行破坏性测试;
  • Perform external inspections of GMAW and FCAW equipment and accessories. 进行小修小补
  • Demonstrate proper GMAW and FCAW welding techniques and procedures in the vertical (3G) and
    overhead (4G) groove positions on 3/8” and one-inch plate.
  • Demonstrate proper SMAW welding techniques and procedures in the 45 degrees inclined (6G)
  • Perform external inspections of GTAW and SMAW equipment and accessories. 进行小修小补
  • Demonstrate proper GTAW and SMAW welding techniques and procedures in the 45 degrees inclined.
    (6G) multiple positions on schedule 40 and 80 pipes.
  • Perform external inspections of Plasma arc cutting equipment and accessories. 进行小修小补
  • Use Plasma arc cutting equipment to make cuts, 孔, 槽, and bevels on 1/4 “to 1” plate +/- 1/16
    大小和形状. 没有超过母材1/16深度的缺口.
  • Create a resume for use in securing a welding position for employment.
图书列表 & 材料

不需要书籍. Welding courses utilize Lincoln Electric’s online U-LINC curriculum that is paid for by the program.