

汽车技术,C.C.C. (44学分证书)

The Automotive Technology program consists of a 24-credit Automotive 服务 Technology certificate, 获得44学分的汽车技术证书, and a 68-credit Associate of Applied Science degree (A.A.S.) that are responsible for training individuals to attain an entry-level position in the automotive industry. The certificates cover a broad range of instruction that may be found in the program outline of this master plan. An appropriate amount of time is spent in each area to thoroughly cover needed instructional material as well as to gain hands-on skills.

The program utilizes both theory and practical application of material to help the students gain needed knowledge and skills. Due to the increasing complexity of systems in today’s automobile, it is important to know why a procedure is done as well as how it is done. 了解一个系统是如何运作的, 因此, has an important role to play in this program of study.

Each student must successfully complete written test material on theory and related topics as well as successfully demonstrate the practical application of this information in the laboratory environment.

Prerequisites for this program should include a solid background in math and science in general with emphasis on basic math, 公式, 百分位数, 分数和十进制转换, 并采用精密的测量设备, 物理, 化学, 和冶金. These areas are taught as part of the program of study, but it would be helpful to have these skills in advance.

Review the guided degree pathway where you will find a detailed plan for your courses and other requirements each semester that prepare you for graduation and your transfer goals.


在线赌博 (Main Campus, Building 056)


学生 must take the TABE (if required) and complete all requirements associated with admission to FGC.


学生 are expected to attend class from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM Monday through Thursday. 这个时间表提供了.5 hours of instruction each day for a total of 18 hours per four-day week, excluding holidays and school breaks as outlined in the current school calendar. These hours only cover the core required automotive certificate courses. General education courses required for completion of the A.A.S. will be taken outside these listed hours at the student’s convenience. Online, afternoon, or evening classes are all possibilities. 上课时间会有变动.


(This cost includes classes, lab fees, books, personal tools, and uniforms as required.)







FGC 2019秋季FGC 2019秋季FGC 2019秋季



起薪 in the State of Florida range from $24,000-$26,000. Your anticipated salary depends on your level of certification and ASE Certifications.

This depends on level of certification and ASE certification.


在佛罗里达州, 目前有超过1个,300个就业机会, 根据确实.Com,只是在汽车方面. This does not include Marine, Diesel, and Heavy Equipment.



Applicants must be at least 16 years of age and should be academically, 身体上的, and emotionally capable of meeting the demands of the chosen program. More information about these requirements is presented in the following section. Applicants make an initial application through the 招生 Office. A minimum skills evaluation is part of the admission process. It is highly recommended that students meet with the program faculty prior to entering the program.

For the Automotive Technology certificate programs, the admission requirements include:

  • 完成FGC网上申请
  • 如有需要,请填写表格(见下文)
  • 与顾问会面
  • Meet with the program faculty prior to enrollment


在线赌博’s Automotive Technology program requires its students to participate in real-world activities as part of the learning process. The below lists cover the physical and mental and emotional requirements to succeed in this program.


As a part of this program, students must have the ability to:

  1. 保持高度的手工灵巧度
  2. 弯腰
  3. 举起至少50磅并带着它走路
  4. Use voice, hearing, and sight effectively to perform jobs in the automotive field
  5. 蹲下或弯腰
  6. 用手指做精确的动作
  7. 区分颜色
  8. 手柄和手指用品
  9. 使用深度感知
  10. 在噪音很大的环境中工作
  11. Work in an atmosphere of changes in temperature
  12. 执行重复性任务
  13. 测量准确
  14. 在没有密切直接监督的情况下工作
  15. 同时处理多项任务,分清轻重缓急
  16. 执行并完成复杂的任务


As a part of this program, students must have the ability to:

  1. Handle confrontation and frustration and assist in problem resolution
  2. Interpret a variety of instructions furnished in written, oral, and diagrammatic form
  3. 与他人合作
  4. 应对高水平的压力
  5. Perform mathematical computations at a level of tenth grade or higher
  6. 在压力下快速做出决定
  7. Cope with anger, fear, and hostility of others in a calm manner
  8. 表现出高度的耐心
  9. Read and understand computer and related equipment
  10. 在封闭或拥挤的地方工作
节目指南 & 教学大纲

The college credit certificate in 一般汽车技术员 is offered to prepare students for entry-level employment in the automotive service industry.

The following is a suggested sequence for the courses:


  • AER 1082车辆系统介绍 & 服务 - 3学分
  • 电气/电子系统1 - 4学分
  • aer1073零件 & 服务 - 2学分


  • AER 1596C制动系统,ABS, & 牵引控制系统 - 4学分
  • aer1197发动机诊断 & 修复 - 4学分


  • AER 1496转向和悬挂系统 - 3学分
  • AER 2694电气/电子系统 - 4学分


  • aer1695底盘电子 - 3学分
  • aer2398手动变速器/传动系统 - 3学分
  • AER 1758暖通空调系统 - 4学分


  • aer2298自动变速器/驱动桥 - 3学分
  • AER 2870替代燃料和推进 - 3学分
  • AER 2840发动机控制系统/诊断II - 4学分
  • Demonstrate proper safety practices and procedures.
  • Diagnose and repair engines and engine control systems.
  • Diagnose and repair vehicle electrical systems.
  • 诊断和修理变速器.
  • Diagnose and repair the steering, suspension, and brake systems.
  • 诊断和维修汽车HVAC系统.
  • 进行预防性维护.